45 minutes

Lemon Garlic Sea Bass


  • Large Abbio Nonstick Skillet
  • Chef’s knife
  • Cutting board
  • Wood spoon or rubber spatula
  • Rubber flipper


    • Pat the Sea Bass dry with a paper towel
    • Chop the garlic
    • Juice the lemon
    • Chop the herbs if using fresh


    1. In the skillet, heat the oil on medium/high heat.
    2. Cook the fish in the fry pan for 3 minutes on each side. Look for the fish to start developing a golden brown, but don’t overcook it.
    3. Remove fish from the skillet and set it aside on a plate. Add a light pinch of salt and pepper to the top of each filet.
    4. Add the butter to the skillet.
    5. Add the garlic to the skillet and sauté for about a minute. Don’t let the garlic get browned or charred.
    6. Add the white wine to the skillet.
    7. When wine has reduced by about half, add the chicken stock and bring the mixture back to a simmer.
    8. Turn off heat and stir in the lemon juice and herbs. Taste your sauce. Do you like citrus? Add more lemon?
    9. Place you fish on your serving dish and pour the garlic lemon herb sauce over the filets.