The people

It’s possible to throw a good dinner party with really bad food, and it’s possible to throw a good dinner party in a bad location. But it’s impossible to throw a great dinner party with a bad mix of people.So what’s the key? It’s not introverts or extroverts, it’s not old or young, and it’s it’s not status or wealth. The key is shared interests.
First, decide how many people you want to invite. Your food and table setup will be strongly influenced by the size of your space and the number of people you invite. Don’t try and attempt a plated meal for 12 people all alone. Large groups have a tendency to break off into clusters of 2-4 people anyway, so putting 12 around your table is rarely twice as good as 6. If you’re new to the dinner party game, consider starting with 6 total (including you). Your Abbio cookware set is the ideal size to make 6 servings without doing multiple rounds of cooking
Next, write down the list of people you want to invite. You will be tempted to invite all the friends you haven’t seen recently. Stop. Remember, your goal is to create connections between others. So as you jot down your list, think about a few things each of your potential guests are passionate about. If I’m inviting my brother Eric, I know he loves classic cars, Seattle sports, and Dick’s hamburgers. Start drawing lines between the interests. Make sure each of your invitees has at least one potential connection to another guest. If you strand anyone, you’re condemning their evening before it even starts. It only takes one person in negative town to bring down the whole community
Abbio Kitchen
Abbio Kitchen

The Music

It’s possible to throw a good dinner party with really bad food, and it’s possible to throw a good dinner party in a bad location. But it’s impossible to throw a great dinner party with a bad mix of people.So what’s the key? It’s not introverts or extroverts, it’s not old or young, and it’s it’s not status or wealth. The key is shared interests.
"At a formal dinner party, the person nearest death should always be seated closest to the bathroom."
- George Carlin

The Drinks

Alcohol always seems like a shortcut to a great time, but be careful. Less(ish) is more. There are a couple of common pitfalls. First, don’t give people too many choices or they may choose nothing at all. Twelve kinds of wine? No, just red and white. 13 different craft cocktails featuring every type of liquor? Definitely not. You don’t want people agonizing over their drink for the evening
We’re serious, sloppy drunk parties usually end with some combination of sickness, drama and premature sleep (for us old people). None of those are good. Keep the booze flowing at a moderate pace, but hold off on the ice luge. It’s your house, not Animal House.
"Don't be getting sloppy drunk and telling those dirty jokes" - Mr. T

The Food

You must be thinking, why are we talking about food last? The people and atmosphere at your get together are just as important as the food itself. Good food tastes even better in the right environment. So if you keep the recipes simple and the food plentiful, you’ll win the evening.
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Finger Foods

It’s going to be challenging to make all the food ahead of time and keep it fresh for dinner. The best move here is to have some appetizers out for your guests immediately after they start to arrive.
Abbio Kitchen
Charcuterie Board
Easy10 min
Meats, cheeses, and spreads will always go over well. Start Cooking
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You need to be able to feed a lot of people, and you want to easily plate your food in a visually appealing way. You can serve your meal family- style for simplicity, but your guests will be even more impressed by plated service at the table. Unfortunately, you only have two hands and limited amount of time before the food gets cold. So pick recipes where the finished food can sit for a couple minutes while you’re quickly plating each meal, and pick recipes where the food will look great with minimal garnish and fuss.
Abbio Kitchen
Salmon with Lemon Butter Sauce
Medium20 min
This one is easy and a crowed pleaser. Yum pear and brie on a scrisp is devine! Start Cooking
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Greens with Vinaigrette
Easy10 min
A simple green salad pairs perfectly with a nice filet of salmon. Or anything else really for that matter. Start Cooking
Abbio Kitchen
Easy30 min
This simple seed (not a grain!) is a delicious filler that makes for a great side with any protein. Start Cooking
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The last hurrah. Dessert can be tough. Who knows where the night will be... Your best bet here is to cook something ahead of time you can put on the table after clearing the main course. Let your guests pick away at dessert as desired.
Abbio Kitchen
Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies
Easy30 min
Everyone loves a cookie. We especially love a cookie with the added texture of oats. Start Cooking

Saying Goodbye

Even a great party will run its course. The conversation tapers out, and guests start to check their phones a little more frequently. When it’s time to call it a night, don’t be afraid to make the first move. Make your way into the kitchen and begin doing dishes. You’ll subtly send the message that it’s time to go. But it’s ok. Mission accomplished. It’s 2am and you’re now the #1 dinner party host among your group of friends
"Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go" - Oscar Wilde